Sunday 11 January 2009

Identities: My 3D Avatar Diary (Twinity) - Day 5

Today was a very busy day for me actually. Recalling the events from the last session, I decided to head out to where the christmas tree was once again and this time manage to get a screenshot of it. Luck was on my side today as I immediately went to the Brandenburg Tor and saw the tree in it's whole behemoth glory.

The screenshot doesn't do the tree enough justice unfortunately, you have to be there yourself to truly see how bewildering the height of the tree is, it is phenomenal. Something like this could easily make as a famous landmark to be honest. Moving on anyways, I decided to take more screenshots of the surrounding area as promised, which can be seen below. As I was admiring the scenery, another player suddenly appeared alongside me and said hello to me. Unfortunately for him, I was too distracted by the fact the guy HAD NO CHEST... I had to look at him twice as he was stood there as a floating head and arms above a pair of legs. I figured something must have gone wrong with the rendering but it didn't stop me finding it pretty funny though :P. The guy seemed like an alright person but then I discovered soon how rude he actually was. He asked me where I come from and then I asked him and he said Berlin. Whilst continuing the conversation onwards on Berlin itself, he interrupted me to say he does not like my language or something? 0_0... And then says he cannot understand me before disappearing off to wherever he went, leaving me standing there quite bemused. I would like to mention what my reaction was, but I feat it may be a tad too rude for the innocent eyes reading this...

After the other player's sudden disappearance, I decided to explore the area and see what there was for me to discover. After lots of random running around, I found a pretty neat feature which grabbed my attention as soon as it appeared.

As you can see in the screenshot above, I found a digital reaction of the fabled Sword in the Stone from the King Arthur mythologies. I was quite impressed to find it in this game, but it did make me wonder why it was in Berlin though? Examining the sword caused a blue door icon to appear which means it can be used to teleport to a specific location like the billboards, hence I decided to have a look to see where this would take me. I wasn't really expecting to go to Camelot though, although that would be an awesome touch regardless :P.

After being teleported by the sword, this is where I ended up which wasn't Camelot unfortunately but it'll do. I wasn't sure where I was, and just like where I was just now, it was deserted of all digital life (apart from plants and trees of course), and after running around the area, I noticed quite a few massive cranes which could mean the construction of a new building, which is an interesting touch to see in a game :P.

After seeing this area, I decided to call it a day for now anyway. On the next visit though, I'm gonna have a more in depth look around the Tutorial Area as I still haven't explored there properly and also I will visit the Real Estate office to find out about getting my own property. So yeah, in a dodgy and extremely pun of Toy Story...To Twinity and Beyond!

Sorry, that was bad.

1 comment:

Lars said...

Hi Karan,

Your diary is still interesting to read. Hope you will meet more friendly Twinizens next time. I can tell you, there are a lot of them :-).


PS: thanks for your nice posting about our meeting in Twinity