Sunday 8 February 2009

More Awesome Videos I Found

Whilst surfing around on Youtube recently, I found loads more amazing videos that I really want to show off, for this, that and and the like, so here goes anyways.

This video here, is a tribute someone made to The Good, The Bad and The Ugly film using a lightbox and some sand, and it's freaking amazing. It's basically stop motion but with sand being used to form the pictures in the video, just watch and be amazed =].

This video is from a series called "The Fuplers" by a guy called Matt Koval (MattKoval on Youtube), and I find the series pretty impressive and inspiring actually. The series is about a dysfunctional family but the speciality of these videos is that the guy plays all the characters in it, and uses clever juxtaposition to create a smooth flowing, consistent scene. It's the same thing Eddie Murphy is pretty good at, playing several different characters at once, as he has shown in films like Nutty Professor 2: The Klumps and Bowfinger. I love how he manages to create the impression of a typical, dysfunctional family and create such a smooth flowing video all by himself, it shows real creativity, innovation, ingenuinity and so on lol. I wouldn't mind trying something like this to be honest, especially seeing as I have so many wigs that I can use and such.

This next video is just absolutely f***** amazing! It's one of the most impressive videos I've seen in my life so far to date. Basically, Youtube has a feature to put in annotations during a video, and these can be interactive too, including a feature to link views to websites or other videos. What is special with this video is that the guy used the annotations feature to create an interactive video series, spanning over 100 videos! Basically, the videos are a match between action figures of characters from the Street Fighter game series and you can choose what moves to pull off whenever you want, via clicking the corresponding annotation. No matter which order you go in either, the opponents health with always deplete gradually to 0. Nobody has really ever done this before, and I found this to be extremely impressive and amazing! I seriously recommend EVERYONE has a look at this, whether you like or hate the series or w/e.

This video is a tribute to a music video called "Working For The Weekend" by "LoverBoy", and it's also a one shot (I believe it is anyways) starring one guy as several characters again. He plays an entire band in the video, and has the band members interacting with one another as well as pulling off "budget" versions of visual effects like smoke and light shows. Again, I'm quite fond of this video for the same reasons as "The Fuplers" videos neways.

I'm sure we are all familiar with the "Rick Roll" franchise, or at least the actual song "Never Gonna Give You Up" by "Rick Astley". But before you groan, this version is a brand new trend of spoofs invented by someone, which is freaking hilarious! The trend is called "The Literal Version", and it's people redubbing music videos with their own fairly good imitations of the singers, singing what the singers are actually seeing the video. Trust me, it's freaking hilarious! The sheer sarkiness of the humour here is the best part probably, if you know these videos, I'm pretty sure you'll like these =].

These 2 videos above, are a series of films spoofs featuring it's entire cast as ACTUAL MONKEYS!! I'm not sure how they do it to be honest, but basicallythey managed to get the monkeys to actually act albeit in a very goofy, slapstick manner and thus creating some surprisingly good parodies of films! I seriously recommend checking this series out, theres are some brilliant parodies of Star Wars, Titanic, Men in Black, Mission Impossible etc. Monkeys pretendning to be professional actors is awesome! :P

Finally, we get to this guy. This guy's name is Mark Leung, and he's good friends with a certain guy called Simon who happens to be working on a site called Frenzoo. Basically, this guy is extremely nuts, random, hilarious, talented and so on lolol, he's a hell of a lot like a eastern asian, older equivalent of me! That video above is very similar to my style of parodies and such, hence I was really happy and impressed upon seeing it, the spoofs are hilarious, the acting is awesome, and the editing skills are just incredibly epic! I would love to meet this guy, and this video is definitely a good way of showing who I am without using any of my work XD.

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